

We Have Updated it No Mail Today All we did is sort the website out more new domain also coming out september it will start working soon we will list the new domain once we made it

Old Messages

Old messages that our team sent a bit ago

We are excited to announce that we have made some updates to our website, including a brand new logo! We hope that you enjoy the new look and feel of the site, which we believe reflects our commitment to providing a high-quality Minecraft experience.

In addition to the new logo, we have also made some updates to our Minecraft server, including:

We hope that these updates enhance your gameplay experience and make our server even more enjoyable. As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for being a part of our Minecraft community!

Best regards,



DiamondTeam Thanks

POSTED ON 9:00 PM 2023-03-27

Dear User Today we have Some Errors  but its all good because we will fix it soon  we have some new channels but We wont talk about that it will come soon By DiamondGamer

Dear User Today we have an update We are Updating To 1.20.1 The updates we added Were Sorting The wiki page and adding more info we also added A mods page for minecraft we will supply mods soon But for now we are Staying low Be ready for 1.20.2 We are on 1.20.1 Version Of the website Our last update was 1.19.2 New update to 1.20.1  we have added a mod Witch is Called DiamondGamerYt Tools Mod we hope you enjoy it by DiamondGamer Aka HamzaAyoub Posted on 7:27 pm October  23  2022

Dear User Today we have added a feedback button for you guys to give us feedback and we also added a comment area Soo if you like it Thank you by DiamondGamer Aka Hamza posted on 2022 October 24 Monday 10:39 AM

Dear user today we are Getting our mods verifyed on curseforge im sure you herad of it But it is in forge and were waiting for someone to verify this we hope it gets verifyed but we dont know at all Soo We Hope it Does By DiamondGamer Aka Hamza Posted on 2022 October 24 Monday 3:36 pm


Dear User We have Reset Our Mail To Keep Things Clean




we have an new UPDATE We have added EMOJIS TO OUR PAGES we have added it to feel More Useful we have also Added a Page So you can get unbanned if an admin banned you you will request to Get unbanned OUR Event is to make us feel more safe and Home

POSTED ON 10:35 pm



Dear user We have added Games To This Website  You May Have noticed but we have added games these ganes To Make Fun BUTTT We Have added ad's Dont be mad but these ad's have only been added to The GAME PAGE Any other Page on the website there is no ad's only on games there are ads

POSTED ON 10:12 2022-11-12